Daily DAX - OPEN RANGE BREAKOUT Trade Breakouts with the ORB Expert Advisor
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Daily DAX - Open Range Breakout EA

orb open range breakout expert advisor

--- Open Range Breakout ---
What is it and how does it work?

It is quite a simple trading strategy that is popular among professionals as well as beginners. In the pre-market opening phase, one or more stop-entries are or several stop-entries are set in the market. These are then traded with the Open Range EA on the breakout through the market opening.

The Daily DAX - Open Range Breakout - DEPARTURE -

1. Pre-Market

The Open Range also called the opening range is set between 8:00am - 9:00am. When staking out the time frame of the open range there are many different approaches.
2. Breakout

It is speculated on a breakout (Breakout) after the official market opening from this range. A buy and sell stop order is set at the limits of this range.

Our clients implement the breakout with our Open Range Breakout EA. The Expert Advisor takes over all set tasks, you have nothing else to do.

DAX Open Range Breakout Strategy

The Open Range Breakout strategy became popular in the 1980s. The book "Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout" by trader Toby Crabel is probably the best known on this strategy.

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